Sunday, January 9, 2011


It is my strong belief that every woman/young lady should own a strand of (fake) pearls. They are the epitome of sophistication, and complete any outfit. And so begins my first post. The reason I'm writing about pearls, aside from them being completely wonderful in every way, I am wearing some right now. I got them at Goodwill for less than a dollar. J'adore. Ooh, cool tip for people who are Extra Creative (moi), try felting your own pearl necklace. Unless of course you live in Texas and such ingenuity is not acceptable.

I always do this when I blog. i go off on some random rant and then everybody just gets bored. Blame it on the fact that I am a child. What's that you say? You weren't expecting that? It's not like I'm the only one, I mean, just look at people like Tavi. (j'adore) And what's more, I'm not even in high school. I am in the 7th grade and was luck enough to happen upon an extra dose of style. That would've been a really good name for a blog! It's probably already taken.

I'm really just blogging for the fame, and because I want to go to fashion shows and be Glamorous. Ahh, glamour. Always just out of reach. I mean, sure, you can fake glamour by putting on an oversized pair of sunglasses but, is that really glamour? No, pearls is glamour. Learn it. Live it.


Oh, and by the way, am I spelling glamour wrong? I'm getting that dotted red line underneath it.


  1. Hey baby, here's a beautiful thing I found on-line that I need to make for you to complement your felted pearl necklace. . check it out!


    and another awesome felted jewelry link.

