Friday, February 25, 2011


If there's one piece of advice I can give you from everything I've ever learned about fashion, it's this: Be unexpected. Surprise people.

Hey y'all, I haven't talked to you guys in a while. Things have not been going so great for me. I feel like I need to change, which is really hard for me because I'm already so true to me. I'm not pretending to be anyone else. It's a blessing and a curse, I suppose.

I thought abut going goth, but I really don't have the personality for it. But I had a different idea to change up my look:

No!!! I would never wear this! Because there is a fine line between being outrageous and being trampy.

As a kid, we have more room to dress crazily. This is an outfit I put together a few weeks ago.
I'm very proud. And now you know what I look like! People love that! I used a vintage petticoat and pulled it up to my armpits, then I belted it. I got the rest of my accessories at Goodwill(One of the awesomest places ever, after Disney Land) and that was that.

Welp, thanks for listening, er, reading. That's all for now, folks!